lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017



Donald J. Trump’s election has raised a question that few Americans ever imagined asking: Is our democracy in danger? 
 Governments that engage in electoral misconduct may reap the benefits of higher vote shares, but misconduct is also a risky practice in that it represents a violation of international standards for free and fair elections. 
The findings are consistent with earlier work by Roberto Foa and Yascha Mounk, who used World Values Survey data to show that attachment to freedom of speech and popular sovereignty appears to be weakening in many Western countries, particularly among the young.
There is no question that in the United States, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign—with its cult of personality, authoritarian style, and racial antagonism—represents the clearest manifestation of a post-democratic politics we have seen so far on the national stage. But liberals trying to lay the blame for America’s political decay at Trump’s feet alone have run into a problem: Many of his allegedly anti-democratic antics—promising to investigate his political opponents, disputing the legitimacy of the election—were alsoindulged (albeit less ostentatiously) by liberals the last time they were out of power.
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